The Riddle of Matthew Arnold

His head was full of poetry but Brian and Patty still had to get to school.

September 29, 1980


The Author's Acknowledgments

He has given his life to Factory Girl Literature.

November 1981


I Loved the Garish Days

A mesmerized woman recalls a business trip to France, in 1938.

March 29, 1982

Rendezvous With Romania

Graham Green puts his papers in order and packs his battered leather grip.

August 1982

What Could Happen

A nightmare in the old GOP.

June 1982

Ma Barker: A Word Portrait

By Pinkie Barker-Watkins and Lynn Caraganis

February 1983

U.S. Torn Apart by French Attitudes

The French are so mad at us you guys.

April 25, 1983

She Never Liked Jane Eyre

"Al" Geebler interviews Grace Poole.

May 1983

Say Good Night, Andorra

The Grenada Invasion gets our nation thinking.

December 26, 1983

Public TV Forced to Cut Back

What would Aaron Spelling do with all those costly science shows, etc?

August 1983

Up a Tree

A sort of visit with Shirley MacLaine.

July 9, 1984


Talk of the Town 

September 17, 1984


Feelings: A Guide

February 1988

Kathleen's Engagement

Could such a marriage work?

February 1994

Clash of the Titans

A starstruck writer visits a media mogul.

November 1995 


It's Lew, Babe, Just Lew

I take charge of my husband's career.

April 1996

My Sex Mentors

Yours may not be found on the silver screen nor in the Justice Department but hers were.

November 1996